Modul 1 – Ključna vloga zaposlenih v vrtcu pri oblikovanju otrokovih prehranskih navad


Listi z aktivnostmi


Reference/seznam virov

  • Child-oriented Catering, Leonardo da Vinci Project. Tools for educators, child care and caterers; link: (German and English)
  • Fachstelle PEP (ed.): PEP – Gemeinsam Essen, handbook from Switzerland with special focus on the influence of pedagogues and kitchen staff on eating habits and eating culture in schools, Link: (German)
  • Marianne Maier: Beim Essen Achtsamkeit lernen und Körper und Seele in Einklang bringen. In: TPS Ausgabe 1 2008, S. 23–25. (German)
  • Nutgecs: A Nutrition Guide for Early Childhood Active Stakeholders, Leonardo da Vinci Project; link: (English)
  • Universität Paderborn, Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen: Wertschätzung und Verschwendung von Lebensmitteln. Information, paedagogical tools and methods to topic area food waste and rise of estimation of foodstuff in children; link: (German)

Primer dobre prakse

A list of Good Practices in Europe and beyond in the area of food in kindergartens

Nadaljnje branje

The Guardian: No grammar schools, lots of play: the secrets of Europe’s top education system (Finland daycare)

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